Duruflé Requiem and Motets
Vaughan William Five Mystical Songs
7.30pm March 29th, Solihull School Chapel

If you can buy your tickets online that is a huge help to us, though tickets will be available on he door, for cash or card sales
“It was a magical evening. Everything was perfect – the setting in the Friary, the choir and those amazing soloists and Oliver’s command of the orchestra! All contributed to a memorable evening. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the concert. Thank you “
“The whole thing was…Wow!“Energetic. Uplifting.”
I’ve been to a lot of SCS concerts over the years and this has to be my favourite. Your best to date. I nearly cried. So polished and spot on.”
“Deserved a standing ovation.”
“We wanted to applaud for longer”
“I thought it was really splendid and, never having attended any of SCS events before, I shall certainly keep an eye on the future programme”
“ What a really exciting concert last Saturday: excellent choir, very tuneful orchestra, and fabulous soloists. The Mozart-fest at Olton Friary was one of the best concerts we’ve attended in recent years. Oliver Walker conducted the event with his usual verve and the audience loved it all. The soloists gave us an expressive
Feedback from audience members to our November 2023 concert
Welcome to SCS!
We are a Solihull choir drawing our singing members from the West Midlands, South Birmingham, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and further afield. We would love you to join us as a singer, audience member or supporter.
Spectacular Messiah this evening! Some very moving moments & the Hallelujah Chorus was awesome. Who needs to travel into Birmingham when such a high standard of music is available locally. Well done. We really enjoyed it (could have done with a cushion to sit in, the pews are hard!) Thank you so much
Our audience members love our concerts, and many rarely miss a performance. We love choral music and want to share it with you. Why not join us at our next concert and see for yourself?
If you are considering singing with us, then come along to a rehearsal to see if you like what we do.
More about Solihull Choral

Join an Excellent Solihull Choir
If you are looking for a Solihull Choir to join which will be both demanding and rewarding then you should come to a rehearsal at Solihull School to try us out. Our members are friendly, supportive and welcoming
This choir gives me exactly what I was looking for as a singer: variety, challenge and a shared sense of musical purpose and pride.
Mark Emms, Tenor
Member since 2006
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Get Concert Tickets
We no longer produce traditional tickets and have moved our advance ticket sales online. Where we have capacity remaining we still sell tickets on the door and can now accept VISA, Mastercard, & all major debit cards, Apple Pay, Android Pay, & Google Pay. We also accept cash.
An utterly magical experience. Sheer musical joy! A great balance between the voice parts, wonderfully directed.
Audience member,
Christmas 2019
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We are friendly and welcoming group of keen musicians. Because of this many of our members have been with us for many years. Some of us are very experienced and some are much newer to singing. Many choir members use supporting materials alongside musical scores to help them to achieve the highest standard that they can. As a result we can put on four concerts a year to a high standard. We love to support our less experienced members to grow in confidence and skill and share in our great sense of musical achievement. Our repertoire ranges from the great works of Monteverdi, Bach and Handel to the C20th masters of Bernstein, Britten and Finzi.